Wednesday, February 7, 2007

What Next?!?!?!

As some of you may know, we have been having a little problem with Sheely! I got home from work last night around 10pm only to find out that our cable was barely working! Ryan didn't have much to say to me other than the fact that there were only a few channels that worked. I asked him what was wrong and he said Sheely ripped the cable cord away from the house and up out of the "frozen" ground and chewed most of the way through it. Now, seriously! I'm frustrated at this point, more pissed because I will be paying for all the damages done to this house and I have no control over it. I realize she is "just a puppy" and that these things will happen. But, I didn't realize damages such as ripping the cable cord out of the ground, chewing off a corner of the house, tearing out the plastic underlayment on the landscaping, chewing up the siding on one side of the house, digging holes "everywhere" in the yard, ripping part of the back door of the garage off, and tearing out patio screens were a part of "just being a puppy!" She has a fenced-in back yard to run and play in with a dog house & chew toys. When we are home, she spends a lot of her time in the house with us. I don't know what more we can do with her!!! She is so well-mannered when she is around us, its hard to believe she has this crazy side of her. I realize dogs are not perfect... As much as I hate doing this, she may start spending her days cooped up in a kennel instead of "roaming" free in a big back yard. I don't think I have a choice.

For those of you with labs/dogs, please tell me this chewing crap is gonna go away! Ryan doesn't seem to think it will ever stop and I'm on the defense saying it will after she gets through her "puppy stage".


Tracy said...

Maggie was the SAME way!! She chewed up linoleum in Mark's old house and when he put her in a kennel outside...she tried to chew her way out of that only to have tore half her tongue off. But I met her when she was 5 years old and she was better. Sorry, I wish I could tell you it was sooner!

Amber said...

Corey's lab is a monster. She's around 2 or maybe 3 or 4. Heck I don't know..anyway she chews up everything. A couple weeks ago she chewed up the cord for her electric water dish (the dish was plugged in). Yes, she chewed threw the coil thing wrapped around the cord then chewed threw the cord.
One would think that she would have stopped chewing when she got a shock...however that wasn't case, she kept going until the cord was in 2 peices.

Anonymous said...

Scout got into our sheet rock but it was just a little in the garage, and also had diarreah for two weeks but after that he was great. We have a doggy door going from the garage to our fenced in yard and have never really had a severe problem with him. He's the best actually. We put a heater in our garage and that's his area when we are not home. That way he can go from garage to outside. He loves it. We are able to leave him inside if we need to. I was worried when we got new furniture, but hasn't touched a thing in our house and when we leave for weekends at a time we have people come over and feed him, but other then that he is inside day and night when we are gone for that long. He's the best. I think it's all on you and how you handle it. They are just like children.

Brandi said...

Comeec ~ I don't think its all on how you handle it...I feel this dog gets plenty of attention, between Ryan & I, and has her own space. Some nights she sleeps with us and is fine. Never chews on anything. When we leave on the wkends, we take her with us. Its only when we are gone during the day that she gets into trouble. How do you handle that? I have never been able to catch her chewing on the house! Crazy!

Tracy said...

Some dogs actually have separation anxiety. There is medicine for to your vet.

Anonymous said...

I didn't mean it bad, but they are just bored during the day that's all. It's a phase that's all. After awhile your dog will be fine. Honestly once you get through the tough stage they are the best I promise. I didn't mean it to sound bad, but I do some people hit some people point everybody disciplines differently but all dogs are also different.

Brandi said...

Ya, I understand Comeec. I might take her to doggy pre-school or something. I think Tracy hit it on the button in the fact that she struggles with separation anxiety. She is a great dog, just needs to learn how to handle being away from us for a few hours during the day. Thanks for the advice & you can tell, I'm very frustrated!!

Amanda said...

I really don’t know a thing about training dogs…..BUT I JUST HAD TO SAY HE IS SO DARN CUTE! Probably not when his working on increasing your cable, but man, I want t a dog! (not really) I’ve heard with children who bite, you should just bite them back 10x harder so maybe you can take all of your puppy’s chew toys and start chewing away so that he understands how it feels to have your property damaged! I’m totally kidding! Don’t try that….I don’t need an e-mail from Ryan saying that he can’t pull the dogs chew toys away from you!

Shanley said...

We have three lad hunting dogs, one of which was a horrible chewer, even as she grew into an adult. She seemed better after we had her bred, but she still chews. All of the other labs we have raised have grown out of it. I would recommend kenneling her while you are gone, and then making sure she gets plenty of exercise when you are home or she will be bouncing off the walls!!!

Good luck!!!


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