Thursday, February 1, 2007


I am starting to realize that my blog is a bit boring. I haven't taken any updated pictures lately, so I don't have any to share. But, now that I am "bloggin", I need to get on that. I was just showing Ryan my blog and tried explaining to him how it works. He just shakes his head as he doesn't spend any time on the computer other than check his email, which is maybe once a month. But, he thinks its pretty cool stuff.

Speaking of Ryan ~ well, we started dating in August 2005 and are still going strong. I am very thankful for everything that has happened between him and I. He is truly an angel who entered into my life when I didn't realize he was there long before we started dating. It is funny to look back before we started dating and how he acted towards me. I was slowly starting to date at the beginning of 2005 and I would talk to him about it. He always thought I could find someone better and that I should just break up with the guy. I couldn't understand why he was acting this way because at that time, I knew there was no way him and I would ever be together. Well, I was wrong. Come to find out, he had liked me for quite some time before we actually started dating. Cute story! He is the most laid back person. I don't know that we have ever had an outright "fight" since we started dating. We just have fun together and go with the flow! He is a busy-body and always has to be doing something.

Ryan works for a private contractor here in Sioux Falls. They build anywhere between $250k - $1+ million homes. Beautiful homes! I get excited when they are close to finishing the project because he takes me through them so I can see the paint colors, cabinets, wood work, etc. I love looking at all that stuff - great ideas for the future. We spend alot of time together golfing, riding bike, walking, playing Texas Hold'em, doing yard work and playing with our chocolate lab, Sheely. Sheely has been a great joy to our life; although, I don't think she is going to grow anymore. She looks like she is 6 mo old. She's little. So, we are convinced that she is a mix with a smaller dog. She has never had an accident in the house, but loves chewing off the corner of the house! Wow. She has done some damage and we will need to reside part of the house. I need to get a picture of her on here. She is a very smart dog and very well-mannered; just hates it when we leave her at home during the day. She follows me around the house always making sure she can see me. Its cute...and I think Ryan gets jealous sometimes! haha.


Amber said...

Ryan is such a sweetheart! It was super fun getting to know him at Nick's party. He's such a nice guy!

Tracy said...

I am so happy for you B! Look forward to seeing some pictures of Ryan and your dog! :)

Brandi said...

Thanks to both of you. Ryan is a sweetheart, thats for sure. If you go to Julie's blog, you will see a picture of him from last wkend when we were in Madison. I'll get moving on the pics.

Julie said...

Ryan is the BEST! I know if I'd ever need anything, he'd be there with "open arms!" He's definately a keeper and your a lucky girl!

Anonymous said...

You and Ryan have a very cute story!!! It gives me hope for the future! As soon as I get off my lazy butt, I’m really going to get on this bloggin thing. It was great to see you last Sat. night at Nick’s b-day party. You look great and Ryan seems like a wonderful guy! K- Need to run and make it look like I’m working hard now. Chow!


Home Seller said...

Brandi - I am so happy for you and Ryan. Who would have thought back in the 90's when you were roaming the halls of MHS that you were going to be dating one of your highschool classmates 10 years later?! Crazy how thinks work out. Come out to Pierre and visit us, Luke wants to meet you!!!

Kerrie said...

That's a great story B. He really sounds wonderful. It sounds like you're really at a great place in your life. I couldn't be happier for you.

Brandi said...

Julie - thanks! He would be there for anyone!

Amanda - there is always hope for the future missy.

Kate - Its funny to think about that because I NEVER thought him and I would EVER hook up. And now, we did 10 yrs later! Crazy.

Kerrie - I am very happy with Ryan. Thank you for your kind words.

Kerrie said...

B! You look so beautiful. I love all your new sidbar pics. I thought you were so pretty BEFORE you started losing weight! You look wonderful!

Tracy said...

You do look awesome B!!! Wait a minute...where is Ryan from?!?!?

Brandi said...

Thanks for the compliments, but unfortunately, these are "older" pics and I have put on quite a bit of that weight. The fortunate thing is, I am working to get it back off. ROLLER COASTER! Ha. I just don't have any updated pics of Ryan & I...haven't taken any for quite some time!

Brandi said...

Ryan grew up in Harrold, SD ~ and moved to Miller, SD his sophmore yr in high school where him and I became friends...and graduated together.

Tracy said...

I KNEW that he looked familiar! All those HARROLD boys! HA! I am from Pierre but don't tell! hee hee!


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