Sunday, February 11, 2007


Why do they go so fast! It seems to me like my life is in "fast-forward" mode and I do not have any control to slow it down. When we were in college, I remember it seemed like eternity for Christmas break or Spring Break to roll around. And now, we are in the middle of February, and time is just flyin'. Must just be a part of "growing older". As for my weekend ~ Ryan and I went out with some friends on Friday night for wings and beer; needless to say, we got a little out of control. I won't go into details...but, ya know, we don't do that very often so it was ok.

On Saturday, we cleaned house and took off to Parkston, SD to stay with one of my best friends, Carrie Oakley, from college and her family. We went to church, made chili, played with her two little girls, read them books before bedtime and learned how to play pinnacle. Now, talk about a difficult card game. When I learned how to play Texas Hold'em, I thought it was confusing...but, it doesn't compare to this! Her husband, Brad, is a very good pinnacle player, so he was trying to teach Carrie, Ryan and I how to play...and I give that boy a lot of credit! He was so patient and we ended up playing until 2am. What a night! Carrie & I went to bed at that time, and the boys stayed up till 3:30am playing. I think Ryan is addicted now. Ha. In the midst of it all, I was so sick with a sinus infection, my eyes were so puffy I could hardly see!

Today, we didn't do much. Ryan spent the afternoon lounging and I went to work for about 7, I didn't quite get a nap in. We had our roommate, Levi, watch Sheely last night - only to come home and find that she chewed up Ryans work boots. No comment. And here it is, 8:30pm and the weekend is almost over. It went so fast, but it was great to spend time with Carrie and her family!


Amber said...

Post pictures! I want to see Carrie's little girls!

Home Seller said...

I bet that was so fun getting together with Carrie and fam. I am sure her girls are adorable! Hope you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

How fun, how is carrie doing and what is she up to. I haven't talked to her forever. Well, hope you feel better I hate sinus infections.

Home Seller said...
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